Effective Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies in Covina, CA

Effective Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies in Covina, CA

Vacation rentals have become a popular way of putting investment properties to use. Owners don't have to worry as much about finding quality tenants since people are normally in and out within a few nights. And with the number of vacation rental users expected to rise to 62.9 million in 2026, there's a lot of opportunity.

However, you need the right vacation rental marketing strategies to see success in the industry. Let's look at a few tactics to get started.

Optimize Your Listing

Vacation rental websites will be one of your primary sources of guests. Many travelers search websites like Airbnb exclusively to find their next stay.

You need an optimized listing to see success. Consider some of the following tactics to promote your rental property value:

  • Create a great title
  • Take professional photos
  • Accurately describe your listing and describe what stands out
  • Keep the information updated

Collaborate With Influencers

Many people get their vacation spot ideas from influencers on the internet. For example, many YouTube influencers create vacation rental tours showcasing the rentals they stay at.

Contact some of these influencers to see if you can work out a deal. Many will create video reviews for your rental if you have a great property.

Advertise on Social Media

Vacation rental social media is a popular place to browse vacation spots. People browse Facebook to see what their friends and family are doing or visit visual social media sites like Instagram or Pinterest to get a great visual.

You can do things like create vacation rental Facebook ads or vacation rental Instagram ads to advertise your property. Stick with the demographics you know are likely to book a rental, and you'll find many potential guests.

Promote Reviews

A big issue new rental property owners have is getting their first customers, despite having a well-maintained property. There aren't reviews on your listing, so it's less likely that travelers will book your property.

Try to get reviews as soon as possible. Ask every visitor to return to your listing after leaving and leave an honest account of their time. Do whatever possible to provide a great experience to ensure you have great reviews.

Create a Website

Not all travelers use booking websites to start their search. Instead, they start on Google by typing in what they want and looking at the results.

Set up a website to reach those people. If you have a local business presence, you can create a Google My Business account and use that to get direct bookings for your business.

Use Reliable Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies

You spent a lot of money and time to create an amazing vacation experience, so you want to get the most from your money. However, it's hard to attract guests if you don't do enough to market your vacation rental listing. Utilize the vacation rental marketing strategies above to increase your property's visibility and keep it full during the busy season.

Of course, getting short-term tenants is only one part of running a vacation rental. You also need help with maintenance, customer support, and other management tasks, which our PMI San Bernardino vacation rental management company can help with. Contact our team to learn about our services and how we can help you make your vacation rental a success.
